Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Test Results for PET/MRI

I just wanted to let you know about the great test results I got this week from the PET/MRI scans.

There are no new tumors to report.
The four tumors we are following have shrink considerable in size.
The MRI of my head came out without any new activity.

I was thinking that I may get a Chemo vacation but the Doctor thinks since we have the tumors backed up against the ropes that we should continue the treatments as long as I can handle it. He thinks this is the best way to maybe see a “total response” of the tumors to shrink even more.

All in all this was fantastic news and we are praising the Lord for His answers to prayer. I know that it is because of faithful saints like you and the prayers of all of you who are lifting us up in constant prayer.

Once again thank you so much for all your prayers on behalf of Linda and I.

God Bless



  1. We are so thankful and praising God for the report. Now we can celebrate your 53rd birthday on Sunday! Yes, thank you Lord Jesus!

    I love you,

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :)

