Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Update for March 24th

I know that an update has been long over due so please accept my apology. As you know I have taken the month of March off from Chemo treatments. It has been wonderful not to have to go into MSTI every other week. I have really enjoyed the time off. As of right now I have a PET scan scheduled for April 2nd. Once I have that done I will meet with the doctor to go over the results. That is scheduled for April 6th. We will decide how to proceed from the test results.So please start praying for good test results. I am still having alot of pain in my shouder area. It makes it hard to sleep at night. Dr. Smith said it may take over a year for the bone where we did the radiation to heal itself.

I started taking a new alternative drug last week, its called Naltrexone. If you have some time you can read about it at

I hope everything is going well with everybody. I know that Spring Break is going on in several places. I hope that it will be time well spent with family.

God Bless you all

Have a great Spring Break

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Update for March 3rd

On Tuesday Linda and I went to MSTI Nampa to get back on the chemo treatments. I have been going in to MSTI every week day for radiation for the past 2 months now. I think Dr Fiorentino could see that I was tried of coming in, so he suggested that I take some time off. I quickly agreed (while jumping up and down inside) for some extra time off. So I will be doing no chemo for the month of March. We went ahead and scheduled a PET/CT Scan for April 2nd and then a follow up with Dr Fiorentino on April 6th. This way we can see where things are at and which direction to go.

I am looking forward to the time off of chemo and will be doing more vitamin C IV's in March, in fact I will have one tomorrow afternoon. This way I can get myself built back up and ready to go if needed. Looking back over the year, I had a brain tumor removed in January 09 then radiation to my head for several weeks. Then chemo since April of 09 through Dec of 09. Then it was more radiation for two months which brings us up to today. Now you know why I'm looking forward to a little time off.

Pray for Linda and I during this time to rejuvenate and get some much needed rest. We will probably head to the cabin sometime soon. It's the ultimate place to go and rest.

We Love You All,

God Bless you
