Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Update for February 24th

Time to update the blog.

I just returned from my 12th radiation to the back of my ear lobe, only 2 more to go. I will finish radiation on Friday. Everything has been going good except for some redness around the area we are radiating. I have a cream for that. Everything else seems to be going according to plans. I will probably start back on the chemo treatments starting next Tuesday, at least that's when it is scheduled. I have been feeling pretty good lately but I haven't had any chemo since Jan. 5th so I am assuming that's the reason for feeling better.

I don't know about you but I sure am ready for some nicer (spring) weather. Hope everyone is doing well and making the most of life. We only go around once and it seems to go by so quickly. Take every opportunity to tell those loved ones in your life that you really love them. It's very important that they hear it from you.

Once again thank you for praying for Linda and I. You will never know how much it means to us. Life's journey has some rocks and curves in the way but with your prayers we are managing pretty well.

We love you all

God Bless

"And whatever you do or say, do it as a Representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father." Colossians 3:17

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Servants Heart

Servants Heart
By Jim Cole
Another rainy Monday morning
I'm in a hurry once again
A beggar held a sign
With trembling hands
I tried not to notice him
It's not that I don't have compassion
It's just that I don't understand
How can I really make a difference to
An ordinary man
Lord give us your heart
That we might serve others
No one can survive all by themselves
The love that we share
Along the way
Might be the very love
We'll need someday
My brother called me
Just the other day
We hadn't spoken for awhile
I longed to say the words
I love you
But I did not know how
I've heard it said
That life's a journey
A road where time will slip away
And no one's guaranteed tomorrow
For what needs said today
Lord give us your heart
That we might serve others
No one can survive all by themselves
The love that we share
Along the way
Might be the very love
We'll need someday

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Update for February 10th

I just got done with my second radiation treatment to the lymph node behind my left ear. So far so good. I am still taking pain meds to keep the pain down until the tumor shrinks and the pain goes away, which I hope won't be too long. The count down has already began, 2 down and 12 to go. The worst part is having to wear that full mask that is strapped to the table.

I am so blessed to have all of you praying for me. I pray that God will show you just how much He loves you, and how that love drove His Son Jesus to the cross, to take upon himself our sin.

Romans 5:10 "For while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life."
Romans 5:1 "Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ." Thank you Lord.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Update for Febuary 6th

More Radiation! Let me explain. Last Thursday I finished up the radiation to my rib area. That night I begin to have a lot of pain from the tumor behind my left ear. The pain was constant and would not go away. I went in on Tuesday to see about receiving my Chemo treatment and talk about all this pain I was having. We have decided to radiate this new area behind my left ear to get rid of the pain. Since Dr. Smith the radiation oncologist in Nampa was gone for the week they sent me downtown to MSTI Boise to see a Dr Dorn so we can get the ball rolling faster. Then today (Wednesday) I went in to MSTI Nampa to do the mapping for the treatment. I will again have to wear the same mask from when I did radiation treatment to my head last year. We talked about doing 14 treatments but that could always change. Once again I will put the chemo treatments on hold while I do the radiation which will probably start on Monday the 8th.

Please pray everything will go good with these new radiation treatments. I don't know what kind of side effects I am going to have. Please pray that they will be minimal.

God bless you all for your constant and continual prayers.