Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last update for 2009

Well another year has gone by and oh what a year it has been. Looking back over the year we are amazed at how the Lord has gone before us each and every day.

After feeling so bad during the month of December '08, we found out the first week of January I had a brain tumor. That meant surgery and so on January 27th I had surgery to remove the tumor. The doctor told me the morning of surgery I probably had about 4 to 6 weeks to live if we didn't get it removed right away. I was shocked to hear him say that because no one else had given me this kind of news. The surgery was successful and I was out of the hospital in a record 2 days. He was amazed I was doing so well. I know it was the prayers of my family and friends that boosted my recovery.

After recovering from surgery during the month of February I started Radiation in March. I had 14 treatments to my head (brain).

Also we lost our granddaughter Isabel Anne in February do to some complications. She was only 11 months old. We miss her more than words can tell.

Once I was through with the radiation I was on to chemotherapy starting in April and I have been doing chemo ever since. Pretty much chemo happens every other week.

I was able to take 3 weeks off for Christmas and News Years. I will be back to MSTI Nampa on January 5th to start again. I also will start some radiation on a tumor under my right posterior shoulder blade on January 11th. We will be doing somewhere between 12 and 15 treatments. The treatments are every day with the weekends off.

I am very happy to still be alive and having made it through 2009. I pretty much have to take one day at a time. I am so thankful for those of you who have prayed me through this past year.

It means all the world to Linda and I that you all have stood by us this past year.

I look forward to the coming year and hope and pray I can still maintain my health for another year.

I wish all of you a very Happy New Year! I pray each day you will be brought closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He alone is worthy of all our praise.

Please continue to lift Linda and I up in prayer as we enter a new year.

God bless you and we love each and everyone of you.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

PET/CT Scan results-December 15th,2009

The results from the scan are overall very good. Dr Fiorentino is very pleased with the results and stated we are in uncharted waters as someone with Stage IV metastasis colon/rectal cancer does not continue to do this well or live 5+ with the disease. Praise God as He goes before us!

The nodule in the left upper lung is larger in size, but no increase in activity. The module in the left lower lung is smaller and a decrease in activity. PTL!

The nodule in the lymph node behind the ear has remained the same size, but there is a decrease in activity. PTL!

There is no evidence of new activity in the neck, chest, abdomen, or pelvis. PTL!

There is a slight increase in activity within the posterior right 6th rib. I have been experiencing pain in this area and we decided to consult with Dr. Smith, the Radiation Oncologist to develop a treatment plan to radiate this area to freeze/stop the cancer growth. I meet with him tomorrow, Wednesday, December 16, 2009. These treatments won't begin until January 2010. Also, my next chemo appointment is not until January 5. 2010, so I get a little break!

We are so thankful for each and every one of you who has joined with us in prayer before our Lord Jesus Christ.

We continue to praise the Lord for you and your faithfulness and how He continues to go before us.

Blessings to you,


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Update for December 12th

Its snowing out right now so it's a good time to sit down and update the blog.

I had a PET/CT scan done at the hospital yesterday. Everything went as planned. I was at the hospital at 8:00 a.m. and was done about 10:00 a.m. Linda took a vacation day from work and we spent the rest of the day running around doing some errands and shopping.

We will get the results next Tuesday, December 15th when I see the doctor. I will update the blog with the results as soon as I can.

I hope everyone is approaching the Christmas season with wonder at how the baby Jesus was born into this world and became a man. He came to die for us, to remove the curse of sin. Oh worship the birthday of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Remember the reason for this season. It is the birthday of Jesus.

I am humbled to know that Jesus did it all for me and you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Update Dec 1

Hello Everyone,

It's time for an update. I hope that everyone had wonderful Thanksgiving. We went to my cousins house for the meal and games. There were 56 of us there. We had a wonderful time with all my relatives. These are the kinds of memories that we need to be making.

Linda and I also volunteered at the Festival of Trees. We helped with the Santa Claus booth. HP sponsored the volunteers and all the printers, paper, and cartridges to print the photos of kids sitting on Santa's lap. This is the second year we have done this and it is also a lot of fun.

Friday, Linda and I headed to the cabin for a few days. We came back on Monday afternoon. Tuesday was Chemo day and I was able to receive treatment. My blood count was at 3500 or 3.5 which ever way you want to label them. I have a PET/CT Scan scheduled for Friday Dec. 11th.
We should be able to see what's going on with the cancer when we get the results back on the 14th.

Well, Christmas is really gearing up and I hope you are ready for the coming birthday of our Lord. I haven't even got my lights up yet. Oh well they will get done in time.

God Bless all of you for praying for Linda and I. Keep up the prayers because I know they are working.


God Bless