Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Update

I was to see the doctor on Tuesday to go over the MRI that I had done last Friday, but I was sick all day Monday and half the day on Tuesday. So I never made it into the doctor on Tuesday. I am rescheduled for this Friday at 10:30 I am also scheduled to restart chemo treatments next Monday.

Please continue to pray for Linda and I for the next few days. I am still not feeling all that well and things seem to be getting a little worse. I will update more this Friday after my appointment.

God Bless you all


  1. I found this and it made me think of you -
    Wherever we are, God is.
    Whatever is going on in our body,
    in our mind,
    in our spirit,
    God is in it with us.
    Nothing can separate us from God,
    Who is closer to us than we are to ourselves.


  2. Love and Prayers are with you Uncle Doug and Aunt Linda.
