Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 17, 2009

Today was my second radiation treatment. Linda was able to go along and take some pictures of me on the table. If you are wondering who that masked man is. The mask is to hold my head still and in the perfect position to have the radiation do it's thing. Pictures are worth a thousand words. 2 down and 12 more to go.


  1. Hang in there Brother, I am praying for you! 3 down down and 11 to go. Stay Strong.
    Psalms 28:6and 7 says
    6 Blessed be the Lord Because he has heard the voice of my supplications.
    7 The Lord is my strength and my shield: my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank him.


  2. "The Warrior acknowledges that there are superior forces which guide him through the circumstances of life and death
    -- his call is only to pay attention and to act without hesitation."

    Made me think of you!

  3. Knowing the truth about God, His unceasing ability to perform miracles....frees me up to believe Him more, I trust and believe that God is taking very special care of you.

    All my love,


  4. Doug, you are in my thoughts and prayers - hang in there.
