Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Update - June 10th

Hello fellow bloggers,

Even though my blood counts were borderline, I was able to receive my chemo treatment yesterday (Tuesday). Dr. Fiorentino decided I could go ahead with them this week and discussed if the counts don’t continue to stay high enough we may look at different schedules. One would be to stay every two weeks and reducing the drugs by 25%; the other schedule may be to push the treatments to every 3 weeks to get an extra week of rest. I will update you on the schedule we go with as time progresses. I am scheduled to see Dr. Fiorentino in two weeks and we will know more then.

Please pray that my blood counts are high enough to get treatments. The tumor behind my ear does seem to be going down. I asked the doctor if he thought that there was a chance that these tumors could be completely gone with these treatments and he said there was a chance.

I am still hoping and praying for a complete remission of any tumors in my body. I know God heals today using a variety of methods. Sometimes He chooses to heal instantly and sometimes He chooses to heal through medication, or sometimes He chooses to use Doctors. But He always wants to hear from us through our prayers.

I know each one of my surgeries I went through I recovered much quicker because of the prayers of loved ones. With my brain surgery I was out of the hospital in 48 hours, walking and eating good. The Doctor was pretty much shocked that I could be going home in that short of time. I know it was all because of the faithful prayers of everyone.

Thank you so much for continuing to pray for Linda, my family and myself during these times. I love you all.

God Bless You,



  1. Praise the LORD, I will continue to keep you in my prayers petioning the Lord to bring complete healing to your body!

    Love you!

  2. Dear Doug and Linda, It was very good learn that your bloodcount was high enough for the chemo. You can count on it that I am sending prayers for you everyday. I will add the blessing for you to maintain your current treatment schedule. It sounds encouraging that you are seeing the tumor on your ear get smaller. My thoughts are with you both. Kary
