Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 26, 2011 Update

Hi Everyone!

This is Linda again and wanted to give you an update on where things are at with Doug.

Over the last week Doug had really been coughing a lot and having a hard time with any type of activity. It was exhausting for him to do little things like even shower or get dressed. He was struggling with breathing too and when he would try to breath deeply coughing would start. Many times the coughing was so severe it would cause him to vomit.

On Tuesday night we decided to take Doug to the Nampa Quick Care Clinic for them to check him out. His oxygen level was only at 88% and they were not able to do the tests needed so they sent us to St. Alphonsus Nampa ER. Doug was given breathing tests, inhalation therapy, blood test, and chest x-rays of his lungs. Dr. Thomas told us his lungs were full of cancer nodules too numerous to count. On Wednesday we followed up with the PA at MSTI who also confirmed the findings. From the last PET/CT scan in October to now things have progressed and they are still amazed Doug has lasted this long. He is at the end-stage where there are no treatments left for him.

Last evening St. Luke’s Hospice came out to meet with us and we were able to discuss Doug’s wishes, his expectations, needs, and what we can expect. We wanted to do this now while Doug is still getting around on his own, coherent, and can state his desires in regards to end-of-life care, health care directive, funeral etc.

He is not on his death bed and still able to get around and function. He is on oxygen 24x7, administering breathing treatments 3x per day, and continuing on his pain meds, which have been increase to make him comfortable.

God in His mercy and grace has given us 6 years and 10 months and we are so very thankful. This is much longer than a Stage IV metastases cancer patient usually lasts. Doug’s quality of life over the last few months has been good too with the help of the Biomat to limit the pain and increase his energy.

We are so thankful for each of you as you have continued to lift us up in prayer before the Father. We can't describe in words our feelings of appreciation and gratitude for each of you.

Remember the verse God gave Doug as he began this journey and stand on it as it is truth and life. 2Cor.4:16-18 " Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,
while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal".

Blessings to each of you!


  1. Driving to work this morning I noticed the sunshine on my face and felt the warmth on my skin ~ Which in turn reminded me of the way Nicholas's basketball coach described the Holy Spirit, he said God made the sun but when you feel the warmth come over you thats like the Holy Spirit. I've been thinking about you both lately and hoping that your feeling the Holy Spirit as you spend time together and enjoy the SUN-room & its warmth.

    I love you all so much ~ Jana Rae

  2. Linda, this post just breaks my heart. I will be praying for both you and Doug continuously during these precious days. May the hope of Christ fill your hearts when the hours seem at their darkest.

    -Stephanie Tiner

  3. may you guys be surrounded with GODS love and know we are praying for you both we love you guys

    ken hennessey
