Saturday, December 18, 2010

December 20th Update

Hello Everyone!

This is Linda. Doug had asked me to do an update on the blog to give another perspective.

The last couple of months have been a challenge for both us and especially for Doug. I am continually amazed at his strength and reliance on the Lord. I know there are many days he wants to give up, but he continues on knowing His plan is the perfect one and submitting.

From previous posts Doug has let you know he continues to have problems with a urinary stricture. This has really confined him to the house and is discouraging for him. He had a biopsy done on November 23rd during the Cystoscopy procedure. We waited for quite awhile to get the results and then on Friday, December 10th Doug got a call from Dr. Tansey's nurse Myrna stating they had the results and the doctor couldn't wait until December 30th to see Doug. We had to come in ASAP and we scheduled for Monday, December 13th. Well to say the weekend was tense is an understatement. We discussed about the stricture being malignant, the colon/rectal cancer having spread to this region and what would be the next steps. Of course we focused on the negative, thinking the worst possible scenarios. I can't speak for Doug, but for myself I turned over the WHOLE situation to the Lord, took it back, turned it over, took it back, turned it over all evening Friday and most of Saturday. Finally surrendering on Sunday the 12th of December! Well at our appointment on Monday with Dr. Tansey he told us they don't know what the stricture is for sure, they the pathologists are very puzzled. They do know it is not metastases colon/rectal cancer. Praise the Lord! As they tested for this the very first thing...but they need more tissue to keep testing as they don't know what it is. Doug is not going to have another biopsy for now; he is scheduled for an MRI on Monday morning, December 20th of the pelvic region to identify what the stricture is. From these tests we will do a biopsy if needed. Doug is continuing to lay on the Bio-Mat daily and we continue to see small improvements!

I would ask you to boldly go before the Lord on Doug's behalf asking Him to give Doug and Me His perfect peace, knowing He is in control and His will is perfect. Our desire is for the stricture to be gone completely and for Doug to be able to freely pee and empty his bladder. We so take for granted our health and when it is declining we realize how important and precious it is. Thank you so much for your prayers and concern.

Also as we approach Christmas and the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, let us not take for granted this precious gift given to us by God our Father. In His perfect love He gave His Son so we may have eternal life. My 3 year old Sunday school class has been memorizing 1 John 4:10 "God loved us and sent His Son" and singing it to the tune of Old McDonald had a Farm with hand motions. I asked you to do the same as we have so much to be thankful for each and every day.

May you each experience His peace and love this Christmas season as you reflect on the most perfect gift given to each who will accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.


1 comment:

  1. Coach - I was working in Nampa and talked to Coach Mertz over at Columbia and he told me a little bit about your situation. You are in my thoughts and prayers - Jantz
