Monday, March 14, 2011

Update on Doug - Monday, March 14th

Hello family and friends:

We the family wanted to give you an update on Doug. His body is beginning to shut down after a long courageous 7 year battle with cancer. As you know from previous posts we brought St. Luke's Hospice in to help us in January and they have been a huge blessing!

We are keeping Doug comfortable, he is in no pain and resting and will soon be going home to be with our Lord and Savior!

Thank you to all of you who have been there through the years lifting us up before the Lord in prayer.

I know Doug would challenge each of you to make sure you will see him in heaven.

Jesus tells us in John 11:25-26 "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?"

Blessings to all,


  1. Doug and Linda...Please know that both you, and your family, are in our prayers. You are dear to us, and trust you into God's care. Heaven will be a wonderful place, and we look forward to seeing you there!

    We love you!

    Ken, Tresa, Alyssa and Kyle

    "The ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads; Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away!" Isaiah 51:11

  2. Linda, I sat at my office desk this morning thinking "Well done faithful friend". Through the trial of life Doug is experiencing the presence and love of the Father in a way only few can grasp. I will always be glad to have had those (onery) Emry boys full of laughter & practical jokes in my life! We care, Hugh and Ronda (Dillon) Laybourn

  3. I Heard The Angel Say
    I thought I saw your face today,
    in the sparkle of the morning sun.
    And then I heard the angel say,
    "Their work on earth is done."

    I thought I heard your voice today,
    then laugh your hearty laugh.
    And then I heard the angel say,
    "There's peace dear one at last."

    I thought I felt your touch today,
    in the breeze that rustled by.
    And then I heard the angel say,
    "The spirit never dies."

    I thought I saw my broken heart,
    in the crescent of the moon.
    And then I heard the angel say,
    "The Lord is coming soon."

    I thought that you had left me,
    for the stars so far above.
    And then I heard the angel say,
    "They left you with their love."

    I thought that I would miss you so,
    and never find my way.
    And then I heard the angel say,
    "They're with you every day."
    "The sun, the wind, the moon, the stars,
    will forever be around,
    reminding you of the love you shared,
    and the peace they've finally found.

    Bobbi Davis

    I Love you & I will miss you!
    Deb 3-15-2011
